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News Headlines

Posted: Jan 25, 2010

New NASCAR rules add spice, but are they for the better?

We witnessed a cultural change in NASCAR this week. It remains to be seen if it's for the better. Make no mistake; this is a different NASCAR entering the 2010 season than the one that ran the sport up until the last checkered flag flew in '09. Gone is the complete dictatorship the sport was founded on. We now have a NASCAR that has decided the best way to stop the sagging attendance, television ratings and general malaise that has gripped the sport in recent seasons is to simply listen and respond.

Posted: Jan, 25, 2010

Darby looking forward to starting in new position

John Darby isn't going anywhere anytime soon, except maybe to have his office moved from down the hallway at NASCAR's Research and Development Center to right next door to the office of colleague Robin Pemberton.